Let’s bring the message of God’s word to the world. By spreading and sharing the good news about Jesus. Time to make Him go viral.
God’s Word Is Meant to Be Shared
And he said to them; “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”.
Matthew 4:19
Spreading the good news can be hard work.
Many of us just don’t know how to start. In today’s post covid world, many of us are now working from home. Keeping up with co-workers, acquaintances, and most of our friends is now done through social media.
As a matter of fact, we are just a few clicks away from viewing all the latest real-world updates.
But instead of playing catch-up, we find ourselves engaging with a different kind of development.
The black hole of social media.
Skipping right over our true friends to watch the drama play out over a crude debate on someone else’s page.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise we spend a lot of our time reading posts on Facebook and Twitter and cringe.
In actuality, it is more like, “I can’t believe so and so feels this way?” and then we get lost for twenty minutes (okay, maybe longer) reading through all the comments. (Pass the popcorn, please?)
Realizing, we just got stuck in the problem and never once proclaimed the ultimate solution. If we are silently sitting in the background, what we are really doing is withholding a special gift – The gift of eternal life.
We have a large community of individuals to connect with at our fingertips. And I think it is about time we change the direction of our conversations.
Salvation is for something
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15
This gift of salvation was no afterthought by God. It was God’s purpose to save the race He knew would sin.
Yes, we are saved from our sins, but we are also saved for something else. We are saved to carry our purpose for which God has us on earth – to share the good news of His grace and to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world.
We are to show God’s love through our actions.
So how can we play a role?
There are many ways we can help fulfill this mission. Now, you may not be the first person to share the gospel with someone to play a part in their journey as a disciple.
Discipleship takes a village!
Just this past week, my Pastor noted a statistic from Billy Graham.
Which states; “It takes an average of twenty people to bring one person to Christ.” As the first person to plant the Jesus’ seed into someone’s heart, it is a struggle not to see them step across this line of faith.
But how amazing is it that some of us get to be that twentieth person? I know it takes a lot of courage to open our mouths.
Most of us get very nervous about speaking of our Savior. There are many excuse scenarios when can find ourselves in:
- What if they just walk away?
- What if they stop speaking to me altogether?
- What if they ask questions I am not able to answer?
Here is the good news:
Spreading our faith is as simple as creating a new relationship with someone. The best way to show we care about someone is to build a relationship with them.
You don’t need to rehearse a sales pitch to Christianity.
The Holy Spirit in us will lead us to the right words. So, my friend; the pressure is off. All you need to do is to be you! He knows your heart (Acts 15:8) and has placed you where you need to be.
Now, if you are stuck at home, the gospel of Jesus can still be spread to the world, even on social media.
Don’t be afraid to share a church sermon that touched your heart, a book you just read, or a podcast you love. Your posts, and your comments of love, can and will open doors for others to know Jesus.
And together we can make spread news about God’s word and make the name of Jesus go viral.
Faith in Action
Maybe you need help to get the courage to befriend a co-worker, neighbor, or new volunteer at church. Maybe you need encouragement for sticking with a relationship with a non-believing friend.
Whatever your needs, write them down and pray through them.
Let’s thank God for the way He has helped us before and for the way He’s coming to our aid now. Even if we can’t see it.
If you have some time, I encourage you to read Luke 22:39-45. As we reflect on it, we see how Jesus had an undivided heart. While He prayed for God to take the suffering from Him, He also prayed for God’s will to be done.
Jesus could have said no to death, leaving us to fend for ourselves.
Instead, He set aside His own comfort to give us eternal life.
Let’s pray over God’s word together
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you for your gift of salvation.
Though we may be nervous about sharing this gift, we ask that you provide us with the courage to step forward. Even if we don’t see all the pieces of the puzzle, we know you are working. Please continue to use us in ways that glorify you.
In all this, we ask in your name – Amen!
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