It is very easy for us to lose control when the demands of life are overwhelming. Can we trust that God knows best? Finding balance is more than trying to remain in control. We must trust in God’s plan.
Finding Balance and Trusting in God’s Plan
Trying to balance your daily schedule can feel like a juggler trying to balance his props. You are in a constant state of movement.
As one of life’s daily tasks is complete, another is soon to begin. For a layperson person, props would never make it into the next ready hand. It can take many months to even years of practice for a juggler to master balancing each piece long enough to take on the next. Slow and steady practice will progress to a successful performance.
To take on a series of daily tasks, no matter how many times we do it, may never end up as fluid as a skillful juggler. Yet, we try to compete. A professional juggler must rely on something called “muscle memory” to remain balanced, focused, and coordinated. Without this learned skill, a juggler would be an uncoordinated artist.
Muscle memory is the ability to produce a movement without focus or thought. How often do we awake feeling like a zombie, moving without focus or thought?
And just like that, we have developed muscle memory. Most likely from years of waking up in the same fashion. We “practice” setting our alarms the night before, awake, go to the bathroom, shower, and start our morning routines.
As they say, “It’s just like riding a bike.”
Jugglers practice for hours on end to build up their muscle memory with repetitive moments. So much so, they can juggle blindfolded and not miss a beat. For us non-juggling, coffee-making zombies, we too must practice balance.
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” -2 Timothy 1:7
Finding balance is not just for the person who lacks self-control, but for everyone. If we get down to the nitty-gritty, we all lack in this area. Are there a few areas of your life you struggle with? Inadequate balance can materialize in areas such as food cravings, desires, words, and actions. It can turn us into ugly people if we are not careful.
“Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control” – Proverbs 25:28
We can’t do it all – How do we find balance?
As a mom, wife, writer, blogger, creator, entrepreneur, and church volunteer (the list goes on), I found it difficult to control my balance. In fact, when I notice a task pulling away from the seams, I would inadvertently add on another task. You see, as an achiever, if I fail at a task, I add on another to gain back control of the situation.
Can you see how my balance was going? Not very well. As a juggler of tasks, I would drop a prop and add another to my performance. This would start the cycle of a crushing defeat. Feeding my soul with the tension of being overwhelmed.
Then, the intensity of guilt and hopelessness would overcome my thoughts. Let’s not beat around the bush. We easily get wrapped up in what we believe to be a perfect juggling act. When it fails, we allow ourselves to feel defeated. Satan and his troops match right on in… “There she is. Her armor of God is down. Let the attacks begin!“
The spiral begins. Failure, then guilt, to feelings of unworthiness. These symptomatic feelings do not come from God’s kingdom. Here is a truth bomb. We are all broken people. Not one of us can say we are perfect.
From Disciple Simon to Apostle Peter
Imagine being Simon Peter. A true fisherman and a fisher of men. Jesus said; “Follow me!” and Simon did. He became the most prominent of all the apostles.
In the Bible, he is the first disciple to receive a name change from Jesus. The name Peter signifies the meaning of “stone or rock”. When thinking about Peter, I visualize a strong man — Not only one of outward appearance but of a prominent personality.
One who could be a leader of leaders, a disciple filled with the Lord’s wisdom, and a true example of a Christ-follower. Simon Peter fell short. He was not the rock of steadfastness and Godly character. He lost his balance frequently.
Remember when Peter saw Jesus walking on water? “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” (Matthew 14:28) Jesus said; “Come” Stepping onto the rough sea to meet Jesus he doubted and fell into the waves.
Peter lost the firm grip of his juggling prop, questioned, and failed. Then Peter rebuked the very existence of Jesus by denying knowing Him. (Matthew 26:69-72) Not only did Peter deny him once, but THREE times. He could have self-corrected but didn’t. Peter is a human just like us. At times, he was overcome by fearfulness, cowardice, and lack of commitment.
Peter reminds us; that no matter who we are, we all fall short. Yet, a part of Jesus’ inner circle. He showed us, not only did he stumble as a Christ-follower, but his identity in Christ never canceled.
But you haven’t answered my question… What about finding balance?
Oh, but I did. You see, no matter the number of assignments, Jesus will always keep you balanced. Just because we have not built up the muscle memory to be skilled in all aspects of our lives doesn’t mean that we are failures. For every time Peter failed, Christ continued to lovingly open his arms.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
How often have you heard yourself say; “If only I had more time?” or “There’s not enough time in the day to do it all.” Having a good balance requires you to better understand your plate. If your plate is full, near full, or spilling over, readjusting your priorities and assignments is necessary.
There are no spirals God cannot straighten.
If you’re a stay-at-home mom, you are likely to struggle to find the balance between the needs of your family and your own needs.
Such as a time for prayer, time to read or be alone, to visit with friends, or to take a long, hot shower. Or maybe you are a working mom trying to find the balance between your high-pressure job and spending time with your family.
Life can be exhausting. You have the power to choose. If you seek to push through your day filled with demands, your priority to spend time with God in prayer may be thought of last. If you start your day with God (seek HE first) your days align with priorities for His glory. All worries will wash away.
Think of the word PEACE as an acronym.
P – prayer (Seek God first. We can find validation in His word.)
E – explore (See the possibilities of your day)
A – assess (Evaluate your assignments.)
C – coordinate (Prioritize your assignments based on need)
E – exalt (Praise God throughout your day. As we live to please Him, He promises to bless our lives and make us prosper.)
God will give you peace in finding balance.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:7
Here is a helpful book recommendation;
The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands
Plus, don’t forget to check out our FREE resource section. You will find more scriptures and resources to help encourage your walk with Christ.
This was so refreshing to read today. It’s something I need to be reminded often. Thank you!
Isn’t God so GOOD! I love when He sends us little reminders. He knows us all so well.